Picture courtesy of Dave Wilcarek
If you are a chassis builder or just starting out give us a call about dealer info and pricing. Most of our chassis shops have started out buying just one piece at a time and several are now our biggest customers! We look forward to working with you! 717 677 4167
Customer Reviews:
Dean Mcilvain from Mcilvain Race Cars emailed to let us know how happy he was with Riggeal Products. To see all the pictures visit the blog section of our site.
Greg & Lauren, please tell everyone involved Thank You so much for all the great work! I know you have seen them on Facebook but thought you might like to have a couple pics. I am so stoked at how they have turned out and think they are a perfect compliment to the big car. We are headed to Norwalk for the nationals and both will be on display there! Have a great day
Terry King emailed Riggeal’s to let us know how much he liked his Mcilvain dragster and the carbon body on it:
We continue to get so many good comments on our Riggeal dragster body. Everyone comments that after two years now it still looks new. They are sorry they got the ones they did and had to paint them.
Thanks again for such a great product.
It currently look like we are the only Riggeal bodied car in the top 5 of the Jegs Supper Quick Series and the only Riggeal body qualified for the Quick Fuel Shootout (we are 4th)
And as you can see from this #1 qualifier shot we wear the sweatshirts that you gave us with pride.-Terry, kingracingdragster.com
We love to see how creative our customers can be so send us your photos and comments we’d love to put them on our website! Check us out on Facebook and add pictures and comments there too!
This is a new website if you see anything that can be improved upon send us an email! griggeal@yahoo.com
Here are some of the chassis shops Riggeal’s manufactures for!
Aaron Sipple Engineering 859 661 5002 http://www.aaronsipple.com/
American Race Cars 419 836 5070 www.americanracecars.net
Adkins Race Cars 734 439 3555 www.adkinsracecars.com
Bob’s Pro Fab 931 987 2708 http://www.facebook.com/#!/ProFab01
Brock Yates Cannonball Enterprise
Champion Race Cars 703 490 8786 http://www.championracecars.net/
Chassis Craft 423 391 0971 www.mikeboschassiscraft.com
Diamond Race Cars 419 875 4080 www.diamondracecars.com
Europa Macchina 717 932 6600
Gibbs Race Cars 704 662 9527 http://www.gibbsracecars.com/index.html
GVM Inc. Agricultural Equipment Company 800 458 5123 http://www.gvminc.com/
HalfScale Dragsters 908 213 0111 www.halfscale.com
Huddleston Performance 931 437 2457 http://www.huddlestonperformance.com/
Independent Chassis 215 526 3079
Ken’s Kustom Chassis 877 880 9181 http://www.kenskustomchassis.com/
Martin Components (Alberta Canada) 306 757 7534
Mcilvain Racecars 937 232 9997 https://www.facebook.com/McilvainRacecars
M&M Race Cars 731 225 7243 www.mmracecars.com
Miller Race Cars 888-882-4512 www.miller-racecars.com
Morgan-McClure (Kodak Racing)
O’Brians Race Cars 916 338 1460 http://www.obriensracecars.net/
Patterson Race Cars 865 591 3732
Performance AutoCrafters
Power Chassis Race Cars 260 452 4846
Precision Chassis 484 932 8031 http://www.precisionchassis.com/
Pro Start Race Cars Inc. 900 479 4098 http://www.prostartracecars.com/
Quick Kids Race Cars
Race Craft Chassis 800 341 4397 http://www.racecraftchassis.com/
RaceTech Race Cars 336 538 4941 www.racetechracecars.com
Racing Junk 888 326 9227 http://www.racingjunk.com/
S&W RaceCars 800 523 3353 www.swracecars.com
Southern Rods 800 787 8763 www.southernrods.com
Tom Yancer